U. of Technology & Infomation 科技及資訊學院

Utility Training Institute 管綫學院

Universal Training Institute 綜合學院



根據勞工處最新發出的通告,由於在限制羣組聚集的公告生效期間,提供重新甄審資格安全訓練課程 (即重溫課程) 的機構的服務受到影響,令個別有須要在這段期間續證的僱員(即須要報讀重温課程的僱員)未能適時報讀相關的重新甄審課程。
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鑑於新型冠狀病毒輸入個案於皆有增長,為保障學生安全,本學院早於3月中旬暫停所有面授課堂(包括:綠咭、密閉咭等安全訓練課程) ,直至另行通知。
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Free download – UTI Professional Training Brochure

New Professional Training Brochure Please download the latest professional training brochure of UTI here:
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2020 Course Schedule

Please download the training schedule here.
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2018-11-27 to 29 The 6th ICUMAS 2018

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2017-07-28 Introduction of Utility Survey Reporting

  • 活動編號: E011-UTI-Y17
  • 活動日期: 28 July 2017, 09:00 13:00 (4 CPD hrs)
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2017-07-27 Safety Review for Confined Spaces Operations

Program title : Safety Seminar of Confined Spaces Operations UTI Ref. no. : E010-UTI-Y17 Event Date time : 27th July 2017, 7:45 8:45 am Venue
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2017-06-17 Introduction of CCTV Reporting

Program title : Introduction of CCTV Reporting UTI Ref. no. : E008-UTI-Y17 Event Date time : 17 June 2017, 10:00 15:00 (4 CPD hrs) Venue
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