HKIUS Membership News (Updated on 27 July 2009)

Dear HKIUS Members,

HKIUS has recently been apporved by Labour Department that Fellow Members, Manager Members and Operative Members of the Hong Kong Institute of Utility Specialists (HKIUS)could be issued with a relevant certificate for the construction industry under section 6BA(4) of the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (the Ordinace) as the Commissioner for Labour is satisfied that the safety training (the training) required for qualifying for such membership is of a standard not less than the relevant safety training course required under section 6BA of the Ordinance.
HKIUS membersshould maintaintheir membership to undertake 35 hours of continuous professional development (CPD) programmes each year in order to qualify for renewal oftheir membership. Such CPD progrrammesshould include 10 hours on occupational safety and health issues each year.
A HKIUS membership card will be issued toqualified memberswhich the following statement(s) will be incorporated into the HKIUS membership card so that this card will be equivalent to the relevant certificate:
This member of the Hong Kong Institute of Utility Specialists has satisfied the Commissioner for Labour in respect of Section 6BA(4), Cap. 59
Should you have any further query, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at 2690 3899.Thank you for your attention.