2010-01-29 Technical Seminar on Electric Vehicle and Charging Infrastructure in Hong Kong

Venue: Room TU201, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon
Date: 29 January 2010 (Friday).
Time: 7:00 pm 8:30 pm (Registration at 6:30 pm)
Participant: 350 persons maximum
Fee: Free of charge including 1.5 hour CPD Certificate (First-come-first-served basis)

Hong Kong is an ideal place for Electric Vehicles (EV) – high fuel prices and short driving distances
make electric cars a viable alternative to conventional gasoline vehicles. EVs are also an integral part
of facilitating a Greener Hong Kong by reducing roadside emissions and increasing the overall
efficiency of transport. However, a reliable EV charging network is vital to alleviate “range anxiety”
that many users associate with electric vehicles. CLP Power has recently launched a pilot plan to build
the first EV charging network in Hong Kong. Its emergence will encourage drivers to consider electric
vehicles and hopefully lead to its widespread use.
This technical seminar will provide an opportunity to introduce members the insights into the pilot
plan and the challenges for an Electric Vehicle Charging network both currently and in the future.

Mr. Ron Chung is the Senior Strategic Planner of CLP Power Hong Kong. He has 18 years in the gas
electricity business, ranging from production operation and management, retail services, marketing
to business strategy planning. He currently focuses on sustainability in energy efficiency
conservation, renewable energy, carbon issues and electric vehicles.

Registration: Please enroll through the link below:
Successful members will be notified.
Enquiry: Please contact Ms. Connie Mui at 3188 0062 or email: connie@soe.org.hk

1. If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above / Rainstorm Red or Black Warning is hoisted
until 1:00 am on the date of visit, the seminar will be cancelled.