2010-01-15 Technical Meeting on The Role of the Energy Audit in Establishing and Reducing Carbon Footprint in Green Buildings and Non-green Buildings Alike

Mr Robert Allender

Managing Director, Energy Resources Management

organised by
The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Environmental Division;Control, Automation and Instrumentation Division)
The Society of Operations Engineers (Hong Kong Region)
Hong Kong Institute of Utility Specialists

supported by
The University of Warwick and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Manufacturing Alumni Association (IGDS Alumni)
Date: 15 January 2010 (Friday)
Time: 6:30pm (Registration) for 7:00pm-8:30pm
Venue: Room N002, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon
Enquiry: Fredrick Leong (Tel: 2859 1739, Email: fredleong@yahoo.com)

Every manager and engineer can accept that continuous improvement is required if increasing
demands for energy and carbon efficiency are to be met. Yet most facilities in Hong Kong
have never had an independent investment grade energy audit completed one time, let alone
at regular intervals. This presentation will address the reason for this situation, and suggest a
way forward.
Robert Allender is a well-known energy management expert who founded his professional
services firm, Energy Resources Management, in 1992. Just as the name indicates, ERM
manages its clients energy resources, effectively acting as clients defacto Vice President of
Energy Management. Robert was the first person in Asia to receive CEM accreditation. He is
also a CEA and a Fellow of HKAEE.
This technical meeting is free of charge. Please complete the attached registration form and
return to Ms Jennifer Chan via email (jennifer.chan@veoliawater.com) on or before 6 January
2010 (Wednesday) at 5:00pm. Registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis (priority will
be given to the members of CIWEM, HKIE (EVD, CAD), SOE, HKIUS and IDGS Alumni). Successful
registrants will be notified individually.