2012-09-12~14 13th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems CTS’2012

September 12-14, 2012

Sofia, Bulgaria

*The Bulgarian Committee of Automatic Control – National Member Organization of IFAC in Bulgaria – www.sai.bg/ifac.htm;
*John Atanassoff Society of Automatics and Informatics – www.sai.bg

Technical Co-Sponsor
*IFAC Technical Committee on Transportation Systems
*IFAC Technical Committee 1.3 Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems


CTS12 is a forum for academics and practitioners, allowing them to discuss the current trends as well as scientific and technological challenges in Transportation Systems.

Specific topics and areas include but not limited to:
* Intelligent Transportation Systems; Automated Highway Systems
* Intelligent/Automated Vehicles; Ramp Metering and Speed limit Control
* Modelling, Control and Optimization of Transportation Systems
* Traffic Light Control
* Sensor Technologies for Control; Weigh in Motion
* Public Transportation
* Freight Transportation: Control, Optimization, Routing etc
* Rail Transportation: maglev, control, scheduling, modelling, simulations
* Marine Transportation: Control, scheduling
* Ports and Terminals; Air transportation
* Safety and warning devises Human factors
* Simulation Tools/Commercial software

Keynote speakers:
* Professor Michel Fliess, Ecole superieure d’electricite, France
* Professor Petros Ioannou , University of Southern California, USA
* Professor Markos Papageorgiou, Technical University of Crete, Greece
* Assoc. Professor Antonio Pascoal , Portugal
* Assoc. Professor Giovanni Indevery, Universita del Salento, Lecce, Italy

Early Registration: Until 9 July 2012 – 300 euro
Late Registration: After 9 July 2012- 350 euro

More info:

Todor Stoilov
e-mail: todor@hsi.iccs.bas.bg
tel: 359 2 979 27 74