2010-11-13 Technical Visit to DSD Contract DC/2007/16 Lai Chi Kok Transfer Scheme(FULL)


DSD Contract DC/2007/16 Lai Chi Kok Transfer Scheme


Saturday, 13 November 2010


9 :30 am to 11:30 am


Ms. Elley Cheng, Tel. 2494 5913/ 6099 5199


HKIUS and supported by CPDC

Gathering Point

Meet at corner of King Lam Street and Tung Chau West Street (nearest MTR Lai Chi Kok Station C Exit – location as shown on map below). Parking is not provided for site visit attendees.Latecomers will NOT be entertained.(At 9:15AM)

Safety Equipment

Attendees must bring their own Safety Helmet, Safety Reflective Vest, Safety Shoes and a valid Green Card if available.

Programme Rundown

09:15 09:25

  • Gathering Register at Security Guards Hut

09:30 09:45

  • Safety Induction by Contractor Safety Officer

09:45 10 :45

  • Presentation of the project (RSS, AECOM), Q A

10:45 11:30

  • site tour
  • group photo

Programme Highlights

Due to inadequate capacity of the existing drainage systems, Sham Shui Po, Cheung Sha Wan and Lai Chi Kok areas are susceptible to flooding during heavy rainstorms. The Lai Chi Kok Transfer Scheme is a drainage tunnel that will capture rainwater from the upper catchment in West Kowloon and discharge it into Victoria Harbour to alleviate flooding of the low lying, developed areas of Kowloon. The project comprises the construction of a drainage tunnel of about 3.7km in length and about 4.9m in diameter from Chak On Estate to Victoria Harbour near Stonecutters Island; six intakes and about 270m of connection adits; a stilling basin and an outfall structure; and slope stabilisation works. The tunnels will be constructed by TBM and will pass through rock, mixed ground and soft ground strata. The connection adits will be constructed by blasting techniques. Depending on the ongoing site activities, attendees to the site visit may have a unique opportunity to get a close up view of the TBM operation.


Free of Charge for HKIUS/UTI/CPDC members ONLY


Online enrollment ONLY (www.uti.hk)