2011-11-12 Technical Visit to HEC Lamma Power Station

Seminar Date:

12 Nov, 2011 (Sat)

Program title

Technical Visit to HEC Lamma Power Station

Organizer :


Supporting organization :


Time and Venue

9:50am to 12:20pm

Venue: HEC Lamma Power Station

(if applicable)

Representative from HEC
(The Hong Kong Electric Company Limited)

Program highlights

09:50 am – Assemble at Yi Nga Road of Ap Lei Chau

10:00 am – Depart Ap Lei Chau Pier for Lamma by company ferry

10:20 am – Arrive at Lamma Power Station

10:25 am – Tour of Lamma Power Station

– Visitor Centre(Briefing on the vironmental measures taken to reduce emissions)

– Coal yard area

– Turbine hall of gas-fired generating unit

12:00 noon – Depart Lamma for Ap Lei Chau Pier by company ferry

12:20 pm – Arrive at Ap Lei Chau Pier (End of the visit)

Registration contact

Please complete the Event Registration Form and return via email to info@hkius.org.hk or fax to : 2618 4500

(Name and Tel)

Email: info@hkius.org.hk / Tel: 2690 3899

Registration Fee

Entrance is free to all but priority will be given to members of the supporting organizations.

CPD certificate can be issued when required, free for Elected (Voting) and Full-time studying Young Members of CCPDC, HKIUS UTI members.

Otherwise, an Administration Fee of HK$100 will be charged per issue.

Limited No. of participant