
On 11 12 Jan, 2014, Drainage Services Department (DSD) is going to conduct an Open Day at Shatin Sewage Treatment Works (STSTW), from 09:30 – 17:00. HKIUS(Hong Kong Insistute of Utility Specialists) is invited to take part in the Open Day, and UTI is the Insitute to provide trainings to HKIUS. We are going to …

2014-01-11 Read More »


Event Title: Technical Discussion on Standards of Utility Surveying Event Ref: E018-UTI-Y13-1108 Date: Part 1: 8 Nov, 2013 (Fri) Part 2: 11 Nov, 2013 (Fri) Time: 18:00 – 21:00 Venue: Rm 209, Favor Industrial Centre, Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung, N.T. Fee: Nil Organizer Utility Training Institute (UTI) Course Content Utility facilities and services in …

2013-11-08 Read More »

2013-08-24 Seminar on “Underground Utility Survey Investigation” (Restricted) – [Tailor-made seminar]

Seminar on Underground Utility Survey Investigation –(Restricted 包班) Date and time: 24thAugust 2013 (Sat), 9:30am to 12:00noon Venue: REC Training Room, 15/F, Goodman Kwai Chung Logistics Centre, 585-609 Castle Peak Road, Kwai Chung Organizer: Hong Kong Instility Specialists (HKIUS); UTI (International) Ltd. Supporting organization: REC Engineering Company Ltd. ; BUDA Surveying Ltd. Program highlight: The …

2013-08-24 Seminar on “Underground Utility Survey Investigation” (Restricted) – [Tailor-made seminar] Read More »

2013-07-27 (Venue change to TU201) Seminar on “Utility Safety – How it happens and how to prevent”

Seminar on Utility Safety How it happens and how to prevent (Please note the venue is now changed from TU107 to TU201) Date and time : 27th July 2013 (Sat), 9:30am to 12:00noon Venue : TU201, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Co-organizer : LSGI Department, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Supporting organization : CCPDC; UTI; …

2013-07-27 (Venue change to TU201) Seminar on “Utility Safety – How it happens and how to prevent” Read More »

2013-06-06 Seminar on “Application of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the Utiility Industry”

Program title Application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the Utility Industry Jointly organized HKIUS, CCPDC, HKIE-CAD Date, Time and Venue 6 June 2013 (THU) 6:30pm 8:00pm (1.5 CPD hours) Venue: HKIUS (Suite 209 Favor Industrial Centre, No. 2-6 Kin Hong St., Kwai Chung, NT.) Speaker(s) Mr. Kenneth Lau, President of Forida Ltd. Ir C. …

2013-06-06 Seminar on “Application of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the Utiility Industry” Read More »

2013-04-20 Conference on tree safety (香港樹藝安全研討會)

近年香港各界對樹木的保育意識提高,推展樹木管理、建設綠化香港是政府、樹藝業界、專 業人士、保育團體及市民的共同長遠目標。要增加樹木健康管理工作的成效,提高樹藝從業員安全意識、營造健康工作環境是日益重要的範疇。 「香港樹藝安全研討會」由香港景觀學會(SOLHK)聯同社區、建造及工程專業發展中心(CCPDC)及環護教育基金會(CE3)合辦。冀為樹藝業界及一眾關心樹藝安全議題人士,提供寶貴交流機會,分享最新資訊及實務經驗,從而提升香港樹藝行業的整體專業水平。 對象:適合樹藝/物業管理/安全管理從業員、建築系/物業管理系學生、安全認證機構/保險業 從業員或任何對樹藝安全知識有興趣之人士參加 樹藝工作的職業安全及健康指引簡介 戴冠強先生 發展局樹木管理辦事處樹木管理主任 樹藝工作相關的安全需知 黃敬博士 ‧ 工程師 社區、建造及工程專業發展中心總幹事, 特許安全專家 樹木工作安全程序、工作監督需知 蘇國賢先生 長春社總監 樹藝工作最新攀爬器材示範 連偉明博士 特許安全專家 職業健康安全體系認證對行業及公眾的利弊簡介 鄭偉合先生 香港通用公證行有限公司國際認証服務部綜合管理體系產品經理 互動問答環節