2013-2-23 Dr. King’s General Study – Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link (CWB)

通識四圍遊 中環灣仔繞道和東區走廊連接路 Dr. Kings General Study Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link (CWB) Date: 23 Feb 2013 (TBC) Time: 10:00am 12:00pm Venue: Central Community Liaison Center Targets: Professionals in Civil Engineering or Students in related discipline Highlights: – To obtain background information of the CWB from the Engineers – To understand the overview …

2013-2-23 Dr. King’s General Study – Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link (CWB) Read More »

2012-11-16 Sustainable Development: A Better Quality of Life 2012

Following the extremely successful conference “Green Buildings: Better Quality of Life”, the Chinachem Group is organizing the one-day international environmental conference “Sustainable Development: A Better Quality of Life 2012” to be held on 16 November 2012 at L’hotel Nina et Convention Centre at 8 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong. Advanced Technovation Limited has …

2012-11-16 Sustainable Development: A Better Quality of Life 2012 Read More »

2012-10-20 2012扶康賣旗日 – 葵興區

本年度扶康會賣旗日將於10月20日(星期六)於全港舉行,CCPDC義工隊亦已報名參加是次籌款活動,同時誠邀各位參與義務工作,為智障人士、精神康復者及自閉症人士服務籌募經費。 扶康會為本港註冊的非牟利機構,共有超過50所服務單位,受惠人數超過3,300名。自1977年成立以來,扶康會不斷創新,推出適切服務,協助智障人士、精神康復者及自閉症人士發揮潛能,積極融入社會。 賣旗日詳情如下: 建議時間:9:00am 12:30pm 集合地點:葵興地鐵站A出口 請各位踴躍參與及填妥報名表傳真至2618 4500,或電郵至 info@ccpdc.hk 如有任何查詢,請致電 2690 3899與Kelvin Wong聯絡。

2012-9-25 to 27 愛心月餅贈長者

臨近中秋,社建中心為表達對長者之關懷,特地為預備了月餅,讓區內長者歡度佳節。 請填妥以下表格傳真或致電給我們以便登記,月餅數量有限,先到先得。 登記後,長者可於2012年9月25至27日,早上10時至下午6時到社建中心(鰂魚涌康山道1號康怡辦公大樓508室)拿取月餅乙個。 ** 請把表格傳真至 2967 0009 或致電 2967 0000 以便登記。 ** 合資格長者為滿60歲及居於康怡花園及附近居民。 ** 如有需要,中心可安排義工把月餅送到府上。 特別鳴謝香港中華煤氣有限公司

2012-09-22 Risk Management and Safety Seminar on “廣東省委、廣東省人民政府關於進一步加強安全生產工作的意見”

Date: 22 Sep 2012 (Sat) Program title Risk Management and Safety Seminar on 廣東省委、廣東省人民政府關於進一步加強安全生產工作的意見 Co-Organizers: CILTHK, HKARMS, IOSH, and CCPDC Sponsoring Organisation: SRC-PolyU, Supporting Organisations: HKIE-SSC, SRSO, FOSHA, HKIUS, UTI, SOEHK Time 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. (Registration starts at 8:30 a.m.) Venue TU-107, HK Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon Speaker(s) (if applicable) 演講嘉賓俞述西先生為廣州市安全生產監督管理協會會長。俞先生長期在改善安全生產方面努力工作,一直致力於制定和落實與職業安全健康有關的政策、規例以及行政法規,包括參與草擬廣州市安全生產條例。目前俞先生擔任廣州市人民政府參事、國家職業安全健康管理系統的審核員。在2011年,俞先生被推薦成為Institution of …

2012-09-22 Risk Management and Safety Seminar on “廣東省委、廣東省人民政府關於進一步加強安全生產工作的意見” Read More »

2012 Aug-Sep CCPDC summer course 2012

CCPDC Summer Course Code: 小明合唱團:C-12001 樂陶陶印章:C-12002 創意卡通傘:C-12003 萌寶寶樂趣班:C-12004 小DJ訓練班(A):C-12005 小DJ訓練班(B):C-12006 兒童話劇及歌唱班:C-12007 詳情請參閱小冊子

2012-06-30 Talk on Manhole Internal Condition Survey (MHICS)

Seminar Date: 30th June 2012 Program Title Talk on Manhole Internal Condition Survey (MHICS) Organizer : HKIUS Supporting organization : CCPDC, UTI Time and Venue 10:30 – 11:15 Venue is TBC Speaker(s) (if applicable) Mr. Wilson Wong Program highlights Utility Survey has always be a topic in the construction industry. Many blame for inaccurate survey …

2012-06-30 Talk on Manhole Internal Condition Survey (MHICS) Read More »