2011-07-22 雞翼紅酒會

為加深同事之間的了解及溝通, 本學院將舉辦一個名為「雞翼紅酒會」的聯宜活動, 歡迎各同事攜同親友出席, 同時亦歡迎學會成員參加。 Programme Title 雞翼紅酒會 Organized: CCPDC (Community Construction Professionals Development Centre) Supporting Organizations HKIUS; UTI Date, Time and Venue 22July 2011 (Friday) Time :17:00to 20:00 Venue : Unit 209-211, Favor Industrial Centre, 2-6 Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung, NT. Registration: Online registration at www.uti.hk or complete the UTI / CCPDC standard reply …

2011-07-22 雞翼紅酒會 Read More »

2011-06-23 (CANCELLED) Discussion Session of the Computation Fluid Dynamics for Air Ventilation Simulation

Cancellation of event: Discussion Session of the Computation Fluid Dynamics for Air Ventilation Simulation (23 Jun) Thank you for your supporting and join our captioned event dated 23 Jun 2011. Due to bad weather and typhoon no. 3 is hoisted, we are sorry to inform you that the seminar Discussion Session of the Computation Fluid …

2011-06-23 (CANCELLED) Discussion Session of the Computation Fluid Dynamics for Air Ventilation Simulation Read More »

2011-06-05 CCPDC, HKIUS and UTI 社區活動 – 愛心糉送贈長者

CCPDC, HKIUS and UTI 社區活動 – 愛心糉送贈長者 時間: 2011年6月5日(星期日),下午:15:00-16:00 地點: 主恩堂敬老之家 (九龍旺角大角咀塘尾道77號二樓) 目的: 透過送贈愛心糉給長者,表達對長者的關愛 內容: 探訪敬老之家,贈送愛心糉,與長者傾偈,玩遊戲 對象: CCPDC, HKIUS及UTI會員 費用: 免費 聯絡: 陳小姐 (電話:29670000) 報名: 網上登記

2011-06-04 CCPDC, HKIUS and UTI 社區活動 – 親子愛心糉制作

CCPDC, HKIUS and UTI 社區活動 – 親子愛心糉制作 時間: 2011年6月4日(星期六),上午:10:30-12:00 地點: CCPDC(鰂魚涌康山道1號康怡廣場辦公大樓508室) 目的: 透過親子活動,讓小朋友嘗試包糉的樂趣,送贈愛心糉給長者,表達對長者的關愛 內容: 由義工導師示範和教授基本包糉的技巧,制作愛心端午糉 對象: CCPDC, HKIUS及UTI會員 費用: 12歲或以上每人港幣20元,12歲或以下免費 聯絡: 陳小姐 (電話:29670000) 報名: 網上登記

2011-05-14 Route to Utility Specialists – Preparatory Training on Conduit Condition Evaluation, MHICS, WLD and Utility Survey

Programme Title Route to Utility Specialists – Preparatory Training on Conduit Condition Evaluation, MHICS, WLD and Utility Survey Organized: UTI (Utility Training Institute) jointly with HKIUS Supporting Organizations HKURC, CCPDC (Community Construction Professionals Development Centre) Date, Time and Venue May 14, 2011 (Sat) 8:30 am to 6:00pm Venue: Room 211, Favor Industrial Central Centre, 2-6 …

2011-05-14 Route to Utility Specialists – Preparatory Training on Conduit Condition Evaluation, MHICS, WLD and Utility Survey Read More »

2011-05-17 Technical Seminar on Construction Mediation

Programme Title Technical Seminar on Construction Mediation Organized: CCPDC (Community Construction Professionals Development Centre) jointly with HKAAST (Hong Kong Association of the Advancement of Science and Technology) Supporting Organizations HKIE-SSC, CAD, SOEHK, HKCAC, HKIUS Date, Time and Venue May 17, 2011 (Tue) 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Venue: PQ303, PolyU Speaker(s) (if applicable) Details Mr. …

2011-05-17 Technical Seminar on Construction Mediation Read More »

2011-05-04 Technical Seminar on “Flow study in Drainage Conduits and Pipes”

Programme title Flow study in Drainage Conduits and Pipes Jointly organized: HKIUS CCPDC IVE (Haking Wong Campus) Funding organization: Commerce and Economic Development Bureau The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Date, Time and Venue 4 May 2011 7:00pm to 8:30pm (6:30 for registration) Room 402 of IVE (Haking Wong Campus) (702 Lai …

2011-05-04 Technical Seminar on “Flow study in Drainage Conduits and Pipes” Read More »