Safety and Health Seminar on “Prevention of Flesh-Eating Disease”

Programme title Safety and Health Seminar on Prevention of Flesh-Eating Disease(食肉菌) Jointly organised CPDC(Organizer), CIC, ETF, GAA(HK), HKARMS, HKCT, HKIE-CAD, HKIE-SSC, HKIES, HKIUS, IMechE(HK Branch), InstMC HK, SRSO SOE-HK Date, Time and Venue 27 Aug 2010 6:45 pm registration for 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Venue: Room 207-208 of Etech Centre (Causeway Bay, HKCT) (402-406 …

Safety and Health Seminar on “Prevention of Flesh-Eating Disease” Read More »

2010-08-25 Technical Seminar on “Role of Data Management for Road Opening Control

Programme title Role of Data Management for Road Opening Control Safety in Hong Kong Organizer(s) CPDC and HKIUS Supporting Organizations CPDC, HKARMS, HKIUS, SOE (HK), InstMC (HK), HKIE-SSC, GAA (HK) HKCT Date, Time and Venue 25 August 2010 7:00 pm to 8:30pm (6:30 pm for registration) R00m 107-108, eTECH Centre, 412 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay …

2010-08-25 Technical Seminar on “Role of Data Management for Road Opening Control Read More »


日期: 2010年7月23日 (星期五) 時間: 下午三時正至五時三十分 地點: 澳門中華總商會禮堂 研討會目的: 為了促進城市地下管綫測量可持續發展,加強港澳同行間的互相借鑒,共同提高技術與管理水平,促使管綫工程及資訊系統技術經營有效管理。 研討會內容: 黃敬博士、工程師 (建造及工程專業發展中心-總幹事,麥斯廸埃城市可持續發展集團-執行總監) 講座: 管綫測量新科技 如何提昇工程建設安全及效益? 成功個案分享一: 廣深港高速鐵路 茶點時間 李榮貴工程師 (香港管綫專業學會-管綫資料管理專業範疇主席, 香港工程網絡資料有限公司-行政總裁) 講座: 管綫測量新科技 如何建立一個共享、無縫及可靠的地下管綫訊息中心 成功個案分享二: 香港鐵路有限公司 研討會登記費用全免,有意參加者請填妥申請表格並電郵至 events@

“Develop, empower and retain young professionals through professional recognition and career development”

Dear CPD Alliance members, The CPD Alliance Continuing Professional Development Seminar 2010 Develop, empower and retain young professionals through professional recognition and career development Date:10June 2010 (Thu) Time: 9:30am – 12:15pm Venue: CPA Australia- Greater China DivisionOffice20/F Tai Yau Building, 181 Johnston Road, Wanchai The early bird period is extended to 5 June (Sat). Thanks …

“Develop, empower and retain young professionals through professional recognition and career development” Read More »

ICAC Talk on “Managing Staff Integrity -「管理有道」”

Programme title ICAC Talk on Managing Staff Integrity –「管理有道」 Jointly organised CPDC, HKIUS HKARMS Date, Time and Venue 29 June 2010 (Tuesday) 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm (4:00 pm for registration) Venue: Suite 209, Favor Industrial Centre, No 2-6 Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung, N.T. Speaker Speaker from Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). Programme highlights …

ICAC Talk on “Managing Staff Integrity -「管理有道」” Read More »

Public Environmental Lectures “Drinking Water Supply and its Challenges in Hong Kong”

Prof. Ho Kin Chung 何建宗教授 BBSProf. Ho will talk about:~ water resource and consumption in Hong Kong~ Current status of Dongjiang (The East River) and its management~ Challenges and opportunities for sufficient and quality water supplies Biography of Speaker:Prof. Ho is now the Dean of School of Science Technology of the Open University of Hong …

Public Environmental Lectures “Drinking Water Supply and its Challenges in Hong Kong” Read More »