Certificate Courses on Noise Control, Road Traffic Noise Assessment and Road Traffic Noise Measurement

Venues:The lectures are at Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong. The practical hands-on on 3D noise assessment and visualization is at Wong Foo Yuan Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Shatin. The location of practical session of road traffic noise measurement is to be confirmed. Language:English Fees: For Members …

Certificate Courses on Noise Control, Road Traffic Noise Assessment and Road Traffic Noise Measurement Read More »

“Reduction of Carbon Footprint in the Construction Industry”

Programme title “Reduction of Carbon Footprint in the Construction Industry“ Jointly organized HKIUS, CPDC Date, Time and Venue 9th June 2010 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Diamond Room, 5th Floor, The Cityview (城景國際), 23 Waterloo Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon (formerly Y.M.C.A. International House, next to Kwong Wah Hospital, MTR Exit 2A) Speaker(s)Details Miss Joanne Kwan is …

“Reduction of Carbon Footprint in the Construction Industry” Read More »

<< 2010註冊安全工程師執業資格考試>>輔導講座

在內地與香港更緊密經貿關係(CEPA) 的框架下﹐香港工程界與內地同行合作與發展更加廣泛。爲了推動內地與香港工程界的合作,國家人事部批准,自2005 年起,香港居民可以參加有關註册工程師執業資格考試。其中,《註册安全工程師執業資格考試》將於2010 年4 月15 日至5 月15 日接受香港的專業人員報名,並定於2010年9月4日至5日在全國範圍內進行一年一度的考試。 爲了協助香港工程業界人士參加考試,獲取註冊安全工程師執業資格,從2005 年開始每年,由香港工程師學會仲會員事務委員會、香港工程師學會安全工程專責事務委員會、香港中國研究生會和泛亞教育交流中心主辦及建造與工程專業發展中心支持,舉行「註冊安全工程師執業資格考試輔導講座」,邀請到國家安全總局研究中心之專家授課,幫助各考生爲註冊安全工程師執業資格考試作好準備,已有參加輔導講座的考生成功通過註冊安全工程師執業資格考試。 教師將憑藉豐富的註册安全工程師執業資格考試和出題經驗,重點講授考試的內容、出題形式以及作答技巧等,務求協助參加註册安全工程師執業資格考試的業界人士,能有效和快速地掌握考試的重點內容和答題技巧,親身體驗實際考試方式。 凡主辦機構及支持機構之會員報讀, 可享有8折優惠! 請即下載下列表格進行申請。 報名須知:1. 名額有限,額滿報名即止。2. 報名時間:2010 年4 月21 日至5 月22 日逢星期一至五 上午10:00 – 1:00,下午14:0017:30;逢星期六10:00 – 1:00,假期除外。3. 付款方法:(1) 需要協助網上考試報名服務,親身到本中心,以現金或支票報名;(2) 不需要考試報名服務,可選擇以支票繳付學費,請填妥講座報名表格連同劃綫支票寄往本中心,支票抬頭請寫:「泛亞教育交流中心」或 Asian Pacific Education Exchange Centre;(3) 不需要考試報名服務的報名者亦可到各中國銀行分行,將學費存入「泛亞教育交流中心」(戶口號碼: 012-746-0-002650-9) 及傳真至2185 6201或 郵寄香港中環皇后大道中138 號威享大廈13 樓B 室 泛亞教育交流中心。 泛亞教育交流中心–查詢電話: 2895 2260

Technical Meeting on Design-and-Build Experience on Underground Wastewater Treatment Plant with the Approach of Co-land Use Applications

Topic: Design Build Experience on Underground Wastewater Treatment Plant with the Approach of Co-landuse Applications Speaker: Dr Xiaohua Chen, Veolia Water Solutions Technologies Asia Municipal Date: 5 May 2010 (Wed) Venue: Room N003, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom Co-organisers (equally sharing of all expenses): The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management Hong Kong …

Technical Meeting on Design-and-Build Experience on Underground Wastewater Treatment Plant with the Approach of Co-land Use Applications Read More »

2010 Safety Conference – Sharing of Safety Management Practices in Large Organizations

The conference which organization by HKOSHA and supported by ASME(HK Section), CISA, Construction Professionals Development Centre (CPDC), HKARMS, HKIE SSC, HKISA, HKIUS, HKRSAA, IOSH(HK), SASA ,SOEHK, SRSO, HKQAAwill held on 16 April 2010 at 2:pm at the Cityview Hotel, 2/F., Crystal Ballroom, 23 Waterloo Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon. Are you interested to know more how the …

2010 Safety Conference – Sharing of Safety Management Practices in Large Organizations Read More »

Seminar on Professional Standards and Continuing Professional Development in Hong Kong

Come and learn from the leading professional bodies at a practical and interactive seminar, with keynote speeches and panel discussion on the professional development and CPD trends in Hong Kong! Programme HighlightsPanel Discussion: Professional Recognition and Development in Hong Kong the key to build an advance people competitivenessSpeakers: Chan Bing-woon, Chairman, Hong Kong Mediation Council …

Seminar on Professional Standards and Continuing Professional Development in Hong Kong Read More »

Technical Visit to Waste Transfer Station (Victoria Road, Hong Kong Island)

Jointly organized by HKARMS, HKIE CAD, SSC, HKIUS, HKOSHA, SOEHK, SRSO, UTI and supporting organizations of 2nd ICUMAS, the technical visit to Waste Transfer Station (Victoria Road, Hong Kong Island, will be held on 20 May, 2010 at 2.50pm (Assemble at 88 Victoria Road Footbridge Entrance) Programme title Technical Visit to Waste Transfer Station (Victoria …

Technical Visit to Waste Transfer Station (Victoria Road, Hong Kong Island) Read More »