2013-01-17 Safety Seminar: What could have been the causes of the recent fatal accident chain?

Date: 17 January 2013 (Thursday); Time: 6:30 pm registration; Talk 7:00 pm 8:30 pm Venue: CIC Information Centre, 44 Tai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay Medium: Cantonese. About the Talk A chain of fatal accidents have happened in the recent months in many local construction sites, big or small. Some of them are of similar if …

2013-01-17 Safety Seminar: What could have been the causes of the recent fatal accident chain? Read More »

2013-1-21 ISO 50001能源管理體系國際標準 獲取認證的要訣研討會

日期: 2013年1 月21日(星期一) 時間: 下午 2:30 5:30 (2:15 登記) 費用: 全免 地點: 九龍塘達之路78號香港生產力促進局生產力大樓4樓會議廳 (港鐵九龍塘站 C1出口) ISO 50001是國際性的能源管理體系標準,企業可按標準建立能源管理體系,並獲取第三方 認證。ISO 50001標準訂立完整的能源管理要素,有助企業提高能源效益、降低成本及增強 企業的品牌形象。新標準的框架更採用了ISO標準之間的共通元素,方便與其他管理體系 整合。 詳情請參閱海報及報名表格

2013-1-8 Workshop on The Latest Development in Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Industry

Date: 08 January 2013 (Tuesday) Time: 1:45 pm 6:00 pm Venue: Lecture Theatre LT-13 , Academic Building 1 City University of Hong Kong Registration: On-line free registration is required via http://www.hkarms.org/Registration/EventRegister.php?Event=50 (If you do not have a membership number, please input 0) Keynote Talks Regulating The Ways of Making Nuclear Energy SafeMr Tony Roulstone, Course …

2013-1-8 Workshop on The Latest Development in Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Industry Read More »

管綫學院 祝大家聖誕快樂! UTI wishes you are Merry Christmas!

管綫學院 祝大家聖誕快樂, 新一年中享有無限快樂! 2013年Q版年曆咭及利是封現正免費派發, 勿失良機! 詳情參閱附件表格 UTI wishes you are Merry Christmas and wish you special joy at the holidays and all year! A great quantity of delicate and beautiful Calendar card for 2013 and Red pocket is being given to you all with NO charge. Dont Miss it and please click : application Form


今年印製了Q版人像年曆咭,各位可以免費索取,數量不限,如欲領取,請下載附件表格,填妥後傳真至26184500,或電郵到本會 info@ccpdc.hk 以便安排。 如有任何疑問,歡迎隨時與本會查詢。