
香港黃金五十和其他一眾主辦團體誠邀各位出席研討會,一起探討爲何未來…五年乃香港未來半世紀的盛衰關鍵。 聯合主辦:香港理工大學工商管理學院、香港黃金五十、香港青年新動力、社區建造及工程專業發展中心 協辦機構:香港青年董事會、香港傑出學生會、博士商聚、香港中文大學AIESEC分會 榮譽贊助:高分卡有限公司 支持媒體:南天電視、免費雜誌《DreamMag》 嘉賓講者:林奮強先生(「香港黃金五十」創辦人、前瑞銀環球資產管理(UBS)董事總經理、前香港特區政府中央政策組非全職顧問) 論壇主持:楊敬偉先生(香港青年新動力副主席/吳海麟先生(香港青年新動力副秘書長) 日期:2012年3月22日 入座時間:晚上6時 講座時間:晚上6時半至9時(請提早半小時入座) 地點:香港理工大學李嘉誠樓M1603室 名額:95人 對象:關心香港經濟發展的青年朋友 費用:全免 查詢:hk_youth_synergy@hotmail.com (香港青年新動力電郵) 詳情 : http://www.facebook.com/events/368104406556589/

2012-3-23 專題講座: 用有限元法發揮無限可能 Infinite Opportunities with Finite Elements

背景資料:由大型機械到中小型的產品及日用品都需要經過可靠的測試,以確保安全和預測性能表現。實體測試雖然可靠,但測試時間長而且成本昂貴。特別對於結構複雜的產品,所需的投資就更多。並且,測試之每項步驟包括造模、生產以及實驗亦缺一不可。現時,國際知名公司和科研機構紛紛採用有限元分析(Finite Element Analysis),以模擬、測試及優化產品。所以,產品的數據不但可靠,而且也節省了製造實體模型的時間和金錢,亦可令產品更快推出市場。由於有限元分析在本港的消費品應用尚未普及,因此本局特別舉辦是次講座向業界介紹如何利用有限元法,並會分享以下行業的成功個案: 電子電器/ 航空科技 / 家電產品 / 汽車及自動化 / 醫療保健 / 運動用品 主辦機構:香港生產力促進局 舉辦日期/時間:2012年3月23日(星期五) 下午2時 至5時半 地點:香港九龍塘達之路78號 生產力大樓1樓 1003室 主講:香港生產力促進局 首席顧問 高松年博士 香港大學 機械工程系 佘錦炎教授 達索析統資訊技術有限公司 技術專家 張蒙先生 費用: 免費 (座位有限,報名從速) 查詢:香港生產力促進局 助理顧問 陳曉玲小姐 (852)27886307 florencechan@hkpc.org

2012-3-10 Symposium on One Year after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident – Orgainzed by Hong Kong Nuclear Society

Symposium on One Year after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident the Way Forward with Safety and Risk Engineering Since the nuclear power plant accident took place at Fukushima last year, it has drawn public concerns on nuclearsafety and risk management. As it is almost one year past the accident, the Hong Kong Nuclear Society organizesthis symposium …

2012-3-10 Symposium on One Year after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident – Orgainzed by Hong Kong Nuclear Society Read More »

2012-2-24 CPD Seminar for Building Information Modeling for Construction Inspectors – Organized by HKICW

Time:0700 pm 0900 pm, (Registration starts at 6:45pm) Venue:Jockey Club Lecture Theatre, 1/F, IVE(Morrison Hill), 6 Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Content:More and more building professional are starting to enjoy the benefits of Building Information Modeling (BIM) on their projects. This CPD will focus specifically on the ways in which leading‐edge builders are using …

2012-2-24 CPD Seminar for Building Information Modeling for Construction Inspectors – Organized by HKICW Read More »

2012-09-12~14 13th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems CTS’2012

Date:September 12-14, 2012 Venue:Sofia, Bulgaria Organizers:*The Bulgarian Committee of Automatic Control – National Member Organization of IFAC in Bulgaria – www.sai.bg/ifac.htm;*John Atanassoff Society of Automatics and Informatics – www.sai.bg Technical Co-Sponsor*IFAC Technical Committee on Transportation Systems*IFAC Technical Committee 1.3 Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems Co-organizer:*CCPDC Aim:CTS12 is a forum for academics and practitioners, allowing them …

2012-09-12~14 13th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems CTS’2012 Read More »

CD of HKIUS Publication

HKIUS is delivering CDs of HKIUS Publication, which include 12 disciplines of Guideline and Pamphlet, 5 disciplines of particular specification, Method Statement and work procedure. It is free of charge as long as you take it by yourself, for those want to receive it by postage, 50HKD will be charged as an administrative fee. Please …

CD of HKIUS Publication Read More »