HKQAA Executive Briefing – Hong Kong Experience in Applying PAS 55 Asset Management Specification

PAS 55 was first published in 2004 and later updated in 2008 providing organisations with the specification for the optimized management of physical assets. Since Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) launched the PAS 55-1 certification scheme, HKQAA have certified a few public utilities and have been working with some other government departments in achieving …

HKQAA Executive Briefing – Hong Kong Experience in Applying PAS 55 Asset Management Specification Read More »

Australian Green Building

Date: 22-24 June 2010 Time: 9:30am – 6:00 pm IntroductionThe Australian Trade Commission (Austrade), the Australian Government trade and investment promotion body, cordially invite you to gain a first hand understanding of Australias offering in urban development projects, with a focus on sustainability. We expect the following outcomes for your market visit: Acquire a first …

Australian Green Building Read More »

2 0 1 0 香 港 環 保 卓 越 計 劃 – 經 驗 分 享 研 討 會

由環境及自然保育基金贊助,並由環境保護運動委員會主辦的「香港環保卓越計劃」,今年已邁向第三年。計劃旨在鼓勵各行各業持續推動環境管理,並表揚對環保有貢獻的機構。香港環保卓越計劃包括有「環保標誌」、「減碳證書」及「界別卓越獎」。 為了讓機構對「2010香港環保卓越計劃」有更深入的認識,香港生產力促進局會於本年四月至六月期間,舉行5場不同主題的經驗分享研討會。每場研討會均會邀請不同機構按主題內容分享他們推行環保工作的心得,務求以多角度全面地介紹推行環保工作的各種方法及益處。機構可因應研討會的主題,參加相關的研討會。 日期 : 2010年4月30日(星期五) 「綠色創意‧締造商機」 2010年5月13日(星期四) 「世界環保趨勢:減碳節能」 2010年5月20日(星期四) 「環保智、識、慳方案」 2010年6月3日 (星期四) 「綠色營商策略」 2010年6月11日(星期五) 「環保合作伙伴創雙贏」 時間 : 下午2:30至5:30 (於下午2:15開始登記) 地點 : 香港九龍達之路78號生產力大樓4樓展示廳(港鐵九龍塘站C1出口) 費用 : 免費 語言 : 廣東話 查詢 : 林小姐 (電話 2788 6371)

Sustainable Plant Engineering for Achieving Green and Environmental Friendliness Facilities in Asia (SOE Symposium 2010)

The Society of Operations is organizing the one-day conference Sustainable Plant Engineering for Achieving Green and Environmental Friendliness Facilities in Asia, to be held atTheater TU 201, Hong Kong Polytechnic University,at 8:45am – 6:15pm on 10th July 2010 (Saturday) Theme: SOE Symposium 2010 will bring together a wide range of stake holders to focus on …

Sustainable Plant Engineering for Achieving Green and Environmental Friendliness Facilities in Asia (SOE Symposium 2010) Read More »

CPD Alliance Lunch Talk: Mediation and General Meeting on 19 May

Dear CPD Alliance members, Please be updated the following two issues: 1. CPD Alliance Lunch Talk: Mediation Date:19 May 2010 (Wed) Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm Venue: CPA Australia- Greater China DivisionOffice20/F Tai Yau Building, 181 Johnston Road, Wanchai Attached is the two complimentary tickets. Please feel free to fill in the form and send it …

CPD Alliance Lunch Talk: Mediation and General Meeting on 19 May Read More »