2017-02-10 密閉空間核准工人訓練課程

This course is aims to introduce of different types of Confined Spaces and explain the relevant regulations; Teaching the safety procedures, emergency Procedures and practice on the use of protective rescue equipment. (本課程主要介紹不同種類之密閉空間, 講解相關之法例, 密閉空間潛在之危險, 有關安全守則及緊急應變措施, 實習使用個人防護及救生裝備等) Course Title Safety Training Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation 密閉空間核准工人訓練課程 Course Ref: 153-UTI-Y16-CW-002 Date: 16th …

2017-02-10 密閉空間核准工人訓練課程 Read More »

2017-04-17 to 28 Professional Certificate for Comprehensive Utility Survey (CUS)

Photo Album of training Course Title : Professional Certificate for Comprehensive Utility Survey *Meeting the competence level (Operative) of HKIUS requirements on CUS UTI Ref. No.: 154-UTI-Y17-UTP-001 Date : 17th to 28th April 2017 Time : 09:00 17:00 (For indoor training); Practical to be advised. Venue : Unit 211, 2/F., Favor Industrial Centre, 2-6 Kin …

2017-04-17 to 28 Professional Certificate for Comprehensive Utility Survey (CUS) Read More »


This course is aims to introduce of different types of Confined Spaces and explain the relevant regulations; Teaching the safety procedures, emergency Procedures and practice on the use of protective rescue equipment. (本課程主要介紹不同種類之密閉空間, 講解相關之法例, 密閉空間潛在之危險, 有關安全守則及緊急應變措施, 實習使用個人防護及救生裝備等) Course Title Safety Training Course for Competent Person of Confined Spaces Operation 密閉空間作業合資格人士及核准工人訓練課程 Course Ref: 155-UTI-Y17-CSP-001 Date Time: …

2017-02-01 Read More »

2017-03-03 Professional Certificate of Conduit Condition Evaluation (CCTV Survey

Course Title Professional Certificate of Conduit Condition Evaluation (CCTV Survey MHICS) Course Ref: 152-UTI-Y17-TVP-001 Date: 3-4, 6-11, 13-14 March 2017 Time: 09:00 17:00 (For indoor training); Full day practical, time to be confirmed. Venue: Unit 211, 2/F., Favor Industrial Centre, 2-6 Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung, N.T. Fee: $12,000 per candidate (10% discount can be …

2017-03-03 Professional Certificate of Conduit Condition Evaluation (CCTV Survey Read More »

2016-07-16 Safety Training Course for Certified Worker of Confined Spaces Operations (密閉空間核准工人訓練課程)

This course is aims to introduce of different types of Confined Spaces and explain the relevant regulations; Teaching the safety procedures, emergency Procedures and practice on the use of protective rescue equipment. (本課程主要介紹不同種類之密閉空間, 講解相關之法例, 密閉空間潛在之危險, 有關安全守則及緊急應變措施, 實習使用個人防護及救生裝備等) Course Title Safety Training Course for Certified Worker of Confined Spaces Operation 密閉空間核准工人訓練課程 Course Ref: 153-UTI-Y16-CW-002 Date: 16th …

2016-07-16 Safety Training Course for Certified Worker of Confined Spaces Operations (密閉空間核准工人訓練課程) Read More »

2015-11-23 Prof. Cert of Comprehensive Utility Survey (CUS) for Sarawak, Malaysia

The 12 trainees from Sarawak, Malaysian have successfully completed the following course. Course Title Professional Certificate for Comprehensive Utility Survey Meeting the competence level (Operative) of HKIUS requirements on CUS Date 23 November 2015 04 December 2015 Time 09:00 to 17:00 Course Objectives Upon completion of the Course, students should be able to: have understanding …

2015-11-23 Prof. Cert of Comprehensive Utility Survey (CUS) for Sarawak, Malaysia Read More »

Course record of Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Training (密閉空間核准工人訓練)

2015年1月24日本學院導師黃敬博士(Dr.King)親自執教密閉空間核准人員課程。 同學正在專心地聆聽黃博士的講解。同學的反應十分熱烈。黃博士正在示範個人保護用具(PPE)的操作方法。圖為復甦器(Resuscitator)滅火器(Fire Extinguisher)安全帶及防墮扣(Personal Fall Protection System)護耳罩(Ear Muff)及安全眼鏡(Safety Goggles) 燒焊安全眼罩(Welding goggle)緊急逃生裝置(Emergency Life Support Apparatus)黃博士正在講解密閉空間的工作情況。 同學正在設置三腳架。同學準備進入沙井作模擬訓練。 黃博士親自指導同學正確操作三腳架的方法。同學成功進入沙井。 黃博士親自示範呼吸器(Respirator)的用法。 同學在黃博士的幫助下成功戴上呼吸器(Respirator)。 大合照

Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Training (密閉空間核准工人訓練)

Course title: Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Training 密閉空間核准工人訓練 Course Ref: 140-UTI-Y15-CW-001 Date of Course: 24th January 2015 (7 hrs) Time: 9:00 17:00 Organizer: UTI Course fee: $750 Lecturer: King Wong Training Venue: Unit 209, 2/F, Favor Industrial Centre, 2-6 Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung, NT, Hong Kong Contact: Ms Tracy CHU Tel: 2690 3899 …

Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Training (密閉空間核准工人訓練) Read More »