
Introduction Due to the increasing need for high quality works for the underground drains/sewers inspection with CCTV Inspection system and IDMS Manhole Survey System, UTI is pleased toorganize the Conduit Condition Evaluation, Manhole/CCTV ME internal courses. Designed for Operators, Surveyors, Engineers Managers for their understanding on both written and practical knowledge. In addition, Managers/Clients Representatives …

2011-10-22 Read More »


1. 簡介 聖約翰救護發出之急救證書有效期為三年,如要辦理證書續期,需要報讀由該會舉辦的壹日技巧重温課程(7小時),然後參與考試,才會獲發香港特別行政區政府的急救證書。 如所持的證書失效半年或以上,則需重讀三十小時的急救證書課程才可申請考試。 本課程由管綫學院(UTI)包班,並由聖約翰救護機構的認可導師教授及監考。 2.課程資料 課程編號: 099-Y10-UTI-SAFE-001 日期: 2010年12月18日(六) 時間: 上午9時至下午4:00 (重温課程) 下午5:00至6:30 (考試) 上課地點: 建造及工程專業發展中心 (新界葵涌健康街2-6號飛亞工業中心209室) 語言: 廣東話 *費用: 每位$500 如欲購買急救證書課程手冊及繃帶:每位$600 * 管綫學院(UTI)及建造及工程專業發展中心(CPDC)會員可獲8折優惠,費用需於開課前繳付 人數: 30人 截止報名日期: 2010年12月10日 報名方法: 到www.uti.hk登記成為會員,並於網上進行報名或下載課程報名表,然後傳真至2618 4500 查詢: 2690 3899 (朱小姐)

Workshop on Communication Skills (Free of Charge)

Workshop on Communication Skills Trainers from JCIHK Training Development Council Course type Workshop Course Ref Y10-GPM-001 Class Time and Venue 9Oct 2010: 1430-1730 Venue: Construction Professionals Development Centre (Unit 209, 2/F., Favor Industrial Centre, 2-6 Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung) Language of teaching Cantonese CPD hours 3hours Course fee Free of Charge (First-come-first-served basis) Application …

Workshop on Communication Skills (Free of Charge) Read More »

Operations of CCTV Survey Training

Operations of CCTV Survey Training Course type Certificate Course (Jointly organized with AMI Industrial (UK) Ltd.) (Course Ref 094-Y10-UTI-TVI-002 Class Time and Venue 9 Aug 2010: 0900-1700 Venue: Construction Professionals Development Centre (Unit 209, 2/F., Favor Industrial Centre, 2-6 Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung) Language of teaching English CPD hours 7 hours Certificate Certificate of …

Operations of CCTV Survey Training Read More »

Competent Person

Competent Person Certified Workers of Confined Spaces 密閉空間合資格人士及核准工人訓練 Next Class Date:2-3 Oct 2010 Course type Certificate Course Course Ref Y10-CPCW-001 Class Time and Venue 2 Oct 2010: 0900-1700 3 Oct 2010: 0900-1700 Venue: Construction Professionals Development Centre (Unit 209, 2/F., Favor Industrial Centre, 2-6 Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung) Language of teaching Cantonese (Teaching materials …

Competent Person Read More »

Mandatory Basic Safety Training Course 強制性基本安全訓練

Mandatory Basic SafetyTraining Course 強制生基本安全訓練課程 Next Class Date: 1 Oct 2010 Course type Certificate Course Course Ref Y10-MBST-002 Class Time and Venue 1 Oct 2010: 0900-1700 Venue: Construction Professionals Development Centre (Unit 209, 2/F., Favor Industrial Centre, 2-6 Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung) Language of teaching Cantonese (Teaching materials will be in Chinese) CPD hours …

Mandatory Basic Safety Training Course 強制性基本安全訓練 Read More »