2011-05-14 Route to Utility Specialists – Preparatory Training on Conduit Condition Evaluation, MHICS, WLD and Utility Survey

Programme Title

Route to Utility Specialists – Preparatory Training on Conduit Condition Evaluation, MHICS, WLD and Utility Survey


UTI (Utility Training Institute) jointly with HKIUS

Supporting Organizations

HKURC, CCPDC (Community Construction Professionals Development Centre)

Date, Time and Venue

May 14, 2011 (Sat)

8:30 am to 6:00pm

Venue: Room 211, Favor Industrial Central Centre, 2-6 Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong

Speaker(s) Details

Mr. Zico Kwok (see attached for details)

President, Fellow Member, Hong Kong Institute of Utility Surveyors, HKIUS

Fellow Member, Society of Operations Engineers, SOE

Fellow Member, Hong Kong Institute of Directors, HKIoD

Visiting Lecturer of Cable Detection (Cap 406H), PolyU

Mr. Kwok started in underground inspection works in 1995 and then worked as an Engineer for Contract No. HKHA161/95, Detection of Leakage from buried water carrying services in the vicinity of slops retaining walls within the lands maintained by Housing Authority.

From mid 1998 till early 2000, he worked in Contract No. 16/WSD/97, Leakage Detection, Leakage Detection of Buried Watermains Affecting Slopes – Stage I. He was one of the approved Locator and LNC operator by WSD and has been the person in-charge during the whole project for one of the team as a sub-contractor for the main contractor.

Later on, he involved in hundreds of slope investigation contracts for investigating buried water-carrying utilities affect slopes for ArchSD, HKHA, and many DH orders issued by BD.

Mr. Kwok has undertaken different types of trainings both locally and in the overseas by many experienced Engineers Surveyors from the field.

He has also worked in many major contracts by using equipment including Topographical Survey, CCTV Inspection Unit, Manhole Survey Tools, Pipe and Cable Locators, Ground Microphone Leak Detector, Acoustic Listening Stick (Mechanical and Electronic), Gas Leak Detector, Leak Noise Corrleator, AMS-4 Drain Leak Detector and Ground Penetrating Radar since his involvement in Leakage Detection field.

Programme highlight

Conduit Condition Evaluation, MHICS, WLD and Utility Survey:


Case Study



Online registration at www.uti.hk or complete the UTI/CCPDC standard reply slip and fax to 26184500.


Ms. Wong

Tel: 2967 0000 (Email: talks@ccpdc.hk)



Limited No of participant



HK$2,000.00 per head with CPD certificate

15% discount offers to Elected (Voting) and full time studying Young Members of HKAAST and CCPDC and HKIUS.