2012-05-14 EMSD-Discussion on CAP406H and CAP51B

Presentation and discussion with The Government of the HKSAR – EMSD Department and CCPDC, HKIUS representatives for which they are currently promoting on Project 348 for Electricity Supply (Protection) regulations and Gas Safety Regulation.

As you may aware, the number of utility incidents has been increasing substantially and there could be many reasons.

Points to be reviewed and discussed of Cap406H and 51B

  1. Report format and details of Competent Persons written report.
  2. Competent Person in 51B
  3. Competent Person Vs Utility Specialists
  4. Recent case studies on a number of Utility Incidents happened in Hong Kong and elsewhere


14 May 2012

Program title

Presentation and discussion with EMSD

Organizer :


Supporting organization :


Time and Venue

9:30 11:00 a.m. at Conference room 7231, EMSD Headquarter

(if applicable)

Mr. Zico KWOK Ir Dr. King WONG

Program highlights

Presentation and discussion with The Government of the HKSAR – EMSD Department and HKIUS representatives about CAP406HH CAP51B

(Name and Tel)

Email : info@ccpdc.hk / Tel: 2690 3899