2013-07-27 (Venue change to TU201) Seminar on “Utility Safety – How it happens and how to prevent”

Seminar on Utility Safety How it happens and how to prevent

(Please note the venue is now changed from TU107 to TU201)

Date and time : 27th July 2013 (Sat), 9:30am to 12:00noon

Venue : TU201, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Co-organizer : LSGI Department, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Supporting organization : CCPDC; UTI; HKIE-CAD; InstMC; HKAAST; ACSD; HKARMS;


Program highlight

As we all know, numerous construction in Hong Kong are going ahead, it is not difficult to find excavation work in the street. To enhance the utility safety; therefore, it is time to remind them about the preparation work to protect utilities, but also the safety of the workers.

The centerpiece of the seminar is about Utility safety. A comprehensive overview of compliance with ordinances, root causes of accidents, best practices, etc., will be covered in the seminar.


9:00 9:30 Registration Start

9:30 10:00 Labour Department – Mr. SO Kin-hung (Divional Occupational Safety Officer)

10:00 10:30 EMSD Ir NG Yuk-wa, Alice (Engr/Gas Standards A3/2, EMSD)

10:30 11:00 EMSD – Ir LAU H.L., Alan (Engr/Nuclear Utility Safety/1)

11:00 11:30 HKIUS Ir Dr. WONG King (President, HKIUS)

11:30 12:00 QA

Introduction of speakers

Labour Department

1) Mr. SO Kin-hung – Divisional Occupational Safety Officer

Electrical Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) Protection of Underground Electricity Supply Lines and Gas Pipes in Hong Kong

2) Ir NG Yuk-wa, Alice – Gas General Legislation Branch, Gas Standards Division A, Gas Standards A3 Sub-division

3) Ir LAU H.L., Alan – Electricity and Energy Efficiency Branch, Electricity Legislation Division, Nuclear Utility Safety Sub-division

4) Hong Kong Institute of Utility Specialists (HKIUS) – How to enhance Utility Safety

Ir Dr. WONG King President 2013/15


Please complete the Registration form and return by email at talks@uti.hk or fax to 2618 4500. For enquiries, please call 2967 0000.