2013-12-21 Utility Specialists Christmas BBQ Party

Event title :
Utility Specialists Christmas BBQParty
Ref. no. :
Event Date time :
21 Dec (Sat), Start at 18:30
Venue :
Platform , Room 209-212, Favor Industrial Centre, Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung, N.T.
Organizer :
Utility Training Institute (UTI)
Event highlights
This is a gathering for internal staff, utility specialists and friends to celebrate Christmas
Please complete the Event Registration Form and return via email to info@uti.hk or fax to : 2610 3899
Contact details
Email : info@uti.hk / Tel: 26903899
Discount: members of HKIUS and CCPDC: $100
Utility Specialists and Friends
Limited No. of participant
Remarks : Applicant will be informed on upcoming news of HKIUS, CCPDC and UTI unless a notice is further received (註: 活動參加者均將會繼續收到UTI, CCPDC或HKIUS的最新活動資訊, 如不欲接收本會的最新活動消息, 敬請通知。)

Before the BBQ Party, we are going to hold Utility Survey Standardization Training (Part 2), at 9:00 – 17:00.

Please find the details from the upcoming training session.