A 2-day Technical Visit

Programme title

2nd International Conference on Utility Management Safety (ICUMAS) A 2-day Technical Visit Talk in Dongguan:
Current Development of Utility Industry in Mainland China

Jointly organized/supporting

HKIUS HKURC (joint organizers)

Faculty of Engineering of Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Co-organizers)

CISA, HKARMS, HKIE-CAI, HKIE-GEL, HKIE-SSC, IOSH (HK), SOEHK, and SRSO (supporting organizations)

Date, Time and Venue

20-21 Nov, 2009

Dongguan, Mainland China


Ir Louis Lock (HKIE-SSC), Ir Dr. King Wong (HKURC), Ir Jim Ko (HKIUS), Mr. Zico Kwok (HKIUS), Ir Jeffrey Yung (SOEHK), Ir Spencer Li (UtilityINFO (1 Call) Limited), Dr. Mao Wei-de (毛惟德) (Shanghai Water Reclamation Trade Association), Mr. Xie Guang-yong (謝廣勇) (廣州易探科技有限公司), Mr. Ren Guang-xian (任廣賢) (廣州市市政工程協會) and speakers from mainland and local safety association and utilities undertakers.

Programme highlights

The technical tour aims to

  • provide participants with first hand information about the current situation of utility industry and its development in mainland;
  • give participants exposure on the latest technology and techniques in utility safety and management in mainland China;
  • provide participants with information and better understanding of the utility profession in mainland China through technical visit to water or sewage treatment plant in Dongguan.

Registration contact

Please enroll online at www.uti.hk under Events or send us the standard reply form.


Ms. Kelly Chu

(T) 2690 3899

Registration Fee

HK$750 for members of the organizers or supporting organizations

HK$850 for non-members

*Include 1-night double room, 2 Breakfast Lunch, 1 Dinner, Transportation fee (Lo Wu to Donnguan and return)

Limited No of participant