Advanced Leakage Detection of Buried Water Carrying Services Affecting Slopes (BWCS) with Safety Work in Hong Kong

Programme title

Advanced Leakage Detection of Buried Water Carrying Services Affecting Slopes (BWCS) with Safety Work in Hong Kong

Jointly organised


Date, Time and Venue

16 September 2009 (Wednesday)

7:00pm 8:30pm (1.5 CPD)

Venue: Room207-208 of Etech Centre (Causeway Bay, HKCT)


Dr. Alex C O Li, a Senior Geotechnical Engineer specializes in landslide investigation.

Ir Dr. King Wong, Immediate Past Chairman of HKIE-SSC, Chairman of Qualification and Membership and Mediation Committee, HKIUS.

Programme highlights

Leakage from water-carrying services, (water pipes, drains and sewers), may adversely affect the stability of slopes. Since the fatal Kwun Lung Lau landslide on 23 July 1994, water leakage detection (WLD) for buried water-carrying services affecting slopes has been widely and regularly conducted in routine maintenance programmes. This seminar will describe the various methods and technology commonly used in WLD for buried services. The critical factors affecting the WLD processes will be examined including elaboration on the accuracy and efficiency of the methods. Finally, the future development of the WLD on buried service will be discussed.

Registration contact

Fax back the Standard Reply Form to 2618 4500.


Ms Elley Cheng, HKIUS Administration Office:

Email: / Tel: 2690 3899

Registration Fee

Free of Charge

Limited No of participant