“Reduction of Carbon Footprint in the Construction Industry”

Programme title

Reduction of Carbon Footprint in the Construction Industry

Jointly organized


Date, Time and Venue

9th June 2010

8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.

Diamond Room, 5th Floor, The Cityview (城景國際), 23 Waterloo Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon (formerly Y.M.C.A. International House, next to Kwong Wah Hospital, MTR Exit 2A)


Miss Joanne Kwan is the project manager at CIRIA

Dr. Bill Chin Man MOK is a principal engineer and geologist of AMEC Geomatrix, Inc. in California.

Programme highlight

“Climate change is a far greater threat to the world than international terrorism,” said the UK Government’s chief scientific adviser in 2004. Climate change is a reality and its impacts are affecting everybody. Increasingly severe extreme-weather events have been occurring more frequently and sea level has been rising in many parts of the globe. In Hong Kong, global warming and urbanisation has brought a rise of mean temperature, a decrease in the number of cold days, and an increase in the number of days with thunderstorms.

Carbon dioxide is a major green house gas that affects climate. While the anthropogenic contribution to the climate change issue is a controversial debate, a number of countries have set target to reduce their CO2 emission. The 2008 Climate Change Act made Britain the first country in the world to set legal binding ‘carbon budgets’, aiming to cut UK’s emissions by at least 80% by 2050. In Hong Kong, the Chief Executive pledged in his 2007/08 Policy Address to reduce the energy intensity of Hong Kong by at least 25% between 2005 and 2030. Until now, there has been little clarity as how to assess CO2 and what low carbon

means for the construction industry. Shifting to a low carbon future will be one of the major challenges for the construction industry in the 21st century.

Registration contact

Fill in the reply slip(s) and send it with a cheque payable to “Advanced Technovation Limited” to Advanced Technovation Limited, P.O. Box 1607, Shatin Central Post Office, N.T.

If you need a receipt prior to the day of course, please also send a self addressed envelope. Applicants will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. Advanced reservation can be made through e-mail by completing the reply slip and send it to adv.technovation@gmail.com but confirmation will only be made by payment.


Miss Luk (Tel: 91208024)

Registration Fee

$1,400 (include coffee breaks, buffet lunch, course notes and attendance certificate)

Early bird discount:

$1,250 for registration completed on or before 26th May 2010