Technical Meeting on Design-and-Build Experience on Underground Wastewater Treatment Plant with the Approach of Co-land Use Applications

Topic: Design Build Experience on Underground Wastewater Treatment Plant with the Approach of Co-landuse Applications
Speaker: Dr Xiaohua Chen, Veolia Water Solutions Technologies Asia Municipal
Date: 5 May 2010 (Wed)
Venue: Room N003, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom

Co-organisers (equally sharing of all expenses):

The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management Hong Kong

International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research Hong Kong Chapter

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Environmental Division

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers GeotechnicalDivision

Supporting organisation (on non-financial commitment basis):

The Society of Operations Engineers (Hong Kong Region)
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Control, Automation and Instrumentation Division
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Associate Members Committee
Hong Kong Institute of Utility Specialists

Please completethe belowedregistration form and return to Ms Jennifer Chan via email on or before 23 April 2010 (Fri) at 5:00pm.