2011-03-09 Technical Visit to NP360

Programme title

Technical Visit to NP360 Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works

Jointly organised

HKARMS, HKIE CAD, SSC, HKIUS, HKOSHA, SOEHK, SRSO, UTI and supporting organizations of 2nd ICUMAS

Date, Time and Venue

9pm, 9 March 2011 (Wednesday)
8:45pm (Assembly at Tung Chung MTR Station Exit B)


Representative from NP 360 Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works

Programme highlights

0845 Assembly

0900-1045 Technical Visit to NP360 Cable Car System

1045-1130 Ngong Ping 360 Cable Ride

1130-1230 Technical Visit to Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works (with CPD certificate issued)

1230-1330 Lunch at Ling Yan Abbey Vegetarian

1330-1430 Cable Ride from Ngong Ping to Tung Chung

1430 Dismiss

Registration contact

Members of UTI and supporting organizations are all welcome. Please register via the link (http://www.uti.hk/events/2011/3/9/technical-visit-to-np360-ngong-ping-sewage-treatment-works/) or return the standard reply form to talks@uti.hk


Email: talks@uti.hk

If typhoon signal no. 1 or the rainstorm warning (red or black) is hoisted, the visit will be cancelled.

Registration Fee

Total entry fee: HK$350 for members from co-organizers and supporting organizations and HK$500 for non members.

Limited No of participant