2010-01-23-Venture Track Program Seminar “Accident Investigation Part II”

Dear Friends,

The Society of Registered Safety Officers has jointly organized an OSH seminar with the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering of PolyU on23 January 2010. The details of the captioned seminar are as follows:.

Date:23 January 2010(Saturday)

Time:9:00 a.m.Registration
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Venue: Y302,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Speaker Topic:
Mr Jesse HAU – The Ways Behind the Accident Investigation
Dr. Aron KWOK – How to Write an Accident Report: A Personal View

As many safety practitioners would agree – individual safety practitioners have their personal work style, even all of them are in-line with statutory requirements. This is the same as for doing an accident investigation for an accident at work. The seminar is the second part of the two-session “Accident Investigation” seminar. The speaker will take a personal perspective in exploring the arena of accident investigation. Although there are steps or procedures to follow in performing investigation after an accident, to certain extent, responsible investigators have their own rule-of-thumb in order to facilitate the smooth inquiry into important events.

CPD Certificate:
CPD certificate will be issued to participating member right after the seminar. (Late comer early leaver exceeding 30 minutes will not be entitled to CPD Certificate.)

Free of Charge for members(SRSO members only).
For non-member an administrative fee of HK$300.00 for preparing CPD certificate will be levied.

Please return the reply slip as attachedby email patrick.li@srso.org.hk and bring along the cheque (made payable toSociety of Registered Safety Officers and be crossed) to the venue on 23 January 2010.

MrPatrick LI (tel.: 27933929 or email:patrick.li@srso.org.hk)