Noise Mapping Symposium And Workshop “Objectives, Target Quality and Deliverables”

Symposium Venue and Date
Venue : Agnes b Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Date : Friday, 20 August 2010

Sponsoring Organization
 The Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics (HKIOA)

 The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

 Mechanical, Marine, Naval Architecture and Chemical Division, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (MMNC-HKIE)
 The Hong Kong Institution of Environmental Impact Assessment (HKIEIA)
 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Hong Kong Section) (ASME(HK))

Supporting Organisation
 Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR Government (EPD)

Overseas Speakers
 Dr Gaetano Licitra, Environmental Protection Agency, Tuscany Region, Italy
 Prof Sang-kyu Park, Yonsei University, Korea
 Dr Hiroyuki Imaizumi, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
 Ir Simon Shilton, Acustica, UK