Applied Learning

What is Applied Learning Course?

Applied Learning (formerly known as Career-oriented Curriculum) is a new name used as a general term for all Career-oriented Studies courses, starting from the 2006-08 cohort of piloting. The piloting for Applied Learning courses has been introduced since 2003.

The design principle of Applied Learning courses is the same as that of other school subjects, with equal emphasis on the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes. The courses aim at providing students with the opportunities to explore their orientation for life-long learning and career aspirations in specific areas and enables students to understand fundamental concepts and theories through application and practice, and to develop their generic skills in authentic context.

Applied Learning is an essential component of the new senior secondary curriculum. There are six areas of studies including (1) Applied Science; (2) Business, Management and Law; (3) Creative Studies; (4) Engineering and Production; (5) Media and Communication; and (6) Services. Know more

 About Utility Training Institute (UTI) 

Utility Training Institute aims to offer qualified training to utility-related government bodies, organizations and companies. In order to provide professional training courses for utility profession, UTI strives to work closely with Hong Kong Institute of Utility Specialists (HKIUS), Hong Kong Utility Research Centre (HKURC) and government bodies to enhance and sustain the high standard of utility profession.

About Department of Civil Engineering 

Department of Civil Engineering of The University of Hong Kong provides versatile programmes and innovative courses to university students in order to equip them with knowledge to make contribution in the civil engineering industry, which continues the growth and development of the infrastructure in Hong Kong, such as the mass transit railways, new towns, highways and water supply systems. With the Mainland and Hong Kong’s Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA), new opportunities have been opened up for young and enthusiastic civil engineers to participate in the boundless infrastructure developments in China. The Department of Civil Engineering will continue to devote itself in teaching and research for the betterment of society.
