2016-07-16 Safety Training Course for Certified Worker of Confined Spaces Operations (密閉空間核准工人訓練課程)

This course is aims to introduce of different types of Confined Spaces and explain the relevant regulations; Teaching the safety procedures, emergency Procedures and practice on the use of protective rescue equipment.

(本課程主要介紹不同種類之密閉空間, 講解相關之法例, 密閉空間潛在之危險, 有關安全守則及緊急應變措施, 實習使用個人防護及救生裝備等)

Course Title

Safety Training Course for Certified Worker of Confined Spaces Operation

Course Ref:



16th July 2016 (Sat)


09:00 – 18:00


Unit 211, 2/F., Favor Industrial Centre, 2-6 Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung, N.T.




Utility Training Institute (UTI)

Course Content:

UTI is an accredited training institute by Labour Department to provide this Safety Training Course in accordance with Industrial Undertakings Ordinance ( Cap 59).

Target Group:

(i) Personnel who need to enter confined spaces
(ii) Applicant should be lawfully employable in Hong Kong and holder of HKID card
(需要進入密閉空間工作之人仕, 申請人必須為合法受僱人仕及持有香港永久性居民身份證)

No. of participants

Maximum 30 persons

CPD hours:


Registration Contact

For interest parties, please feel free to apply and contact the following person:

Ms. Joyce Law
Tel: (852)2690 3899 Fax: (852)2618 4500
Email: training@uti.hk