Foundation Certificate in Conduit Condition Evaluation (Open for Application)

Course Objectives:

ŸClassification of pipe conditions and assessment of pipe performance for drains

ŸEquip participants with relevant knowledge to check the contractors CCTV submissions effectively

Course Contents:

  • Refer to the Manual of Sewer Condition Classification (MSCC) 2004 Edition and the Sewerage Rehabilitation Manual (SRM) 2001 Edition HKCCEC.
  • The need for and role of the classification of pipe conditions and the assessment of pipe performance for drains
  • Recognizing and coding the structural defects, service conditions and construction features
  • Typical examples of classifying pipe conditions from the photographs and videos
    • Assessment of pipe performance including determining Internal Condition Grades, Service Condition Grades and Structural

Performance Grades

  • Reporting the survey results with the use of software
  • Quality assurance of checking the CCTV submissions with demonstration examples
  • Exercise of checking the CCTV submissions

Course Schedule


Course Introduction

Introduction and history of Conduit Condition Evaluation

Requirements of CCTV surveys operations


CCTV survey codes


CCTV survey forms

CCTV Grading

Computerized Reporting System

Coding training


Quality Assurance of Checking Report Submission

Exercise of checking report submission (with sample reports and videos for exercise)

Tricks of CCTV Survey

Course Application Form

Enquiry: Ms Tracy Chu

Tel: 2690 3899